Por: Dr. Alberto Argüello Choiseul.
¿Quien puede negar que los hombres tambien somos coquetos? ¿A quien le gusta verse mal? Si uno tiene complejos que se pueden arreglar de manos de un verdadero especialista en cirugía plastica y reconstructiva, por que no arreglaselos?
Existen tantas cosas que molestan a los hombres. Desde muy temprana edad se pueden operar las orejas que se encuentran prominentes, o muy salidas. Desde los 3 anos se le puede dar solución a esto, luciendo resultados muy naturales, y sin afectar el crecimiento de las mismas. Los párpados que se empiezan a caer, desde los treintas, junto con las bolsitas de grasa debajo de los ojos, que se empiezan a poner mas visibles. Esto denota cansancio y envejecimiento. En un muy corto tiempo, y con solo una sedación, muchos hombres se arreglan este problema.
Muchos hombres tienen narices torcidas, o en forma de pico de tucán. Es otro de los procedimientos que buscan realizarse, con mucha frecuencia. En este caso hay que destacar que no es un procedimiento que produzca dolor, no molesta nada por lo general.
Otro procedimiento de mucha frecuencia son las mamas o los pechos muy grandes. Muchos muchachos tienen hasta pena de comentar esto con sus padres. En el colegio usan desde espadagrapo, a dos o tres camisetas, para evitar que se les vean, pues les da mucha pena. Ahora, jamas, quitarse la camisa en una piscina o en la playa, debido a ese complejo que les incomoda. Y esto dura tan solo como unos treinta minutos en promedio. Y la recuperación suele ser muy rapida.
La lipoescultura. A muchos les incomodan esas llantinas o esos rollizos de mas, que no logran perder ni en el gimnasio. Muchos quieren que se les vean sus cuadritos. Y esa grasa que se saca, para no desperdiciarla, y verse mejor, piden que se les inyecte en los gluteos. Hay que recordar que SOLAMENTE grasa es lo que se puede inyectar en gluteos, así que no se dejen enganar…
Por lo tanto, con solo una visita donde nosotros los cirujanos plasticos, pueden evacuar dudas, y quitarse complejos que puedan tener y venir cargando desde hace mucho.
Siempre consulte que a quien escoja sea un verdadero especialista en cirugía plastica.
So the only major parts of America important in a positive way for the world are in California. Substract California, and America becomes just a big Argentina with nukes.-rkuWell. there's that gigantic US manufacturing seatpr-oresumcbly most of it outside Silicon valley-that the libertarians and other free traders keep reminding us about.
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Thanks!
All of my questions settled-thanks!
Why do I bother calling up people when I can just read this!
वाह बेहद खूबसूरत शब्द रचना रोहित्…………बहुत गहरी सोच है इसी प्रकार लिखते रहो।
And for what it's worth, Upton has a career .332/.417/.500 line in Inter-league play. Sure, fluky BABIP and small sample size and all, but if he hasn't struggled with AL pitching in the past, why would we expect him to struggle post-trade?
That’s cleared my thoughts. Thanks for contributing.
Ho ho, who woulda thunk it, right?
before the arrival of europeans, Native Americans had to work to live….MOVE,RUN,HUNT,MAKE,BUILD,CROSS……. There is no end working for a living….you will always have to move
Hey,nice blog!!! I found a place where you can make an extra $800 or more a month. I do it part time and make a lot more than that. It is definitely worth a visit! You can do it in your spare time and make good cash.
Przyczyn jest sporo, ale najważniejsze to infrastruktura, stadion jest oglÄ™dnie mówiÄ…c z innej epoki…wszechobecne bÅ‚oto, brak oÅ›wietlenia (mecze wieczorkiem-możliwość dotarcia wiÄ™kszej liczby kibiców), negatywna medialna nagonka na wszystko co zwiÄ…zane ze Stilonem, wojenka pomiÄ™dzy kibicami podsycana umiejÄ™tnie przez wÅ‚adzÄ™ (przecież to dwie zupeÅ‚nie odrÄ™bne dyscypliny sportowe, czyli kibice nic do siebie nie powinni mieć)…itd, itp…szkoda słów…A to co siÄ™ dzieje, to plon wieloletniego precyzyjnego planu niszczenia piÅ‚ki (jako pierwszej dyscypliny), teraz czas na kolejne….
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
Oi, så skummelt med bremsene!! Godt at det gikk bra, og at dere fikk ordnet det så raskt.Så spennende at hodet har festet seg allerede da. Kan jo håpe at det betyr at hun kommer en uke eller to før termin ;)Kjempefin vogn forresten!Klem
That’s 2 clever by half and 2×2 clever 4 me. Thanks!
Dat ziet er allemaal heel erg lekker uit zeg. Wat een goede buit voor strakjes. Ik heb nog nooit geweckt, maar ik krijg er door jou wel zin in hoor !!Een heel fijn weekend.
Wonderful explanation of facts available here.
Intelligence and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.
Now we know who the sensible one is here. Great post!
Jeanne Callegari disse:Juliana, acho mesmo que o feminismo está no meio do caminho para lidar com essas questões. Porque a gente tá dentro das estruturas, não fora delas, e aà fica difÃcil se adaptar, mesmo quando temos as nossas reflexões, né?
Depends on how you define “big time.” I’m doing just fine, thank you, but I appreciate your concern.(Did you prefer the non-opinion review in the NJ Regional section of the Sunday, May 13 New York Times?)
At least the Ministry of Education was kind enough to start simplifying the language in the 1940′s. Up until even WWII, some dictionaries still listed the 50,000 “recognized” kanji…When we went to register my sons name with the government, we were unable to use the kanji we had selected, because it was not included in the list of “modern” kanji that are deemed acceptable for use in names…
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awesome!
Jens Dalsgaard siger:Hej Esben. Alt hvad vi gør og laver har omkostninger, hvilket er ok. Nogen har bare brug for at få sat deres egen indvirkning i perspektiv.
I reckon you are quite dead on with that.
Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them coming!
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please
Field,I feel like a proud parent reading this post! I’m sure this day can only be topped by my son crossing the stage at graduation :)I’m pressed for time here so I cannot say all the things I’d like, but… that speech was undeniable. It made me proud, it made me emotional, and the revelation of this mans character is even more apparent.I heart Obama.And, whenever you’re truly ready Field, I’ve got a Big Gulp in the fridge for you.
P.S. RE: “Squeal like a stuck pig, Obama. Squeal! Squeal louder!” ~ me, a prioriSEE: Daniel Day Lewis gets baptized in “There will be blood” (VIDEO, 04:36) – P.P.S. MEET MY NEW “¡MUY MACHO!” ICON/AVATAR. Are those “Bette Davis eyes” , or are they the cold, calculating eyes of a (or perhaps even a )?Fulgencio Batista –
Thanks Slodive for sharing these great video themes… I’m hoping to build a video blog very soon and I think these list will really help me out on deciding the theme to use. Thanks
It’s a relief to find someone who can explain things so well
I'm a southerner–born, raised and educated–transplanted to the midwest. I've made a roux, jambalaya and have eaten crawfish pie–but I've never eaten file gumbo. It was available at a friend's home but I was a teenager and thought it looked a little suspect. I may just have to put it on our table this winter. Kudos for giving it a try.Best,Bonnie
So, what is beyond the quantum realm? Are there not multiple universes that defy human knowledge? Life has been and always will be a mystery, and the question, “Why?” will always be with us. Let’s give thanks for God who is compassionate and beyond human understanding.
Molta mandra Mery però si t’esperes al darrer dia és criminal amb el que m’agraden a mi les aglomeracions.Mà ster fas també de quefe de personal? et veig multitasking.
Knowledge wants to be free, just like these articles!
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”
This reminds me of a nightmare I have had when I call 9-1-1 and they won't answer…only the victims here didn't get to wake up from it. General Ham is still living the nightmare, and I assume others not yet revealed. God bless America and the condition of all her people…
Not bad at all fellas and gallas. Thanks.
Hi great plugin, but can you explain me how to add custom fields under post/page field?I’m really confused, I’ve got only field for link or image ?!Thanks beforehand!Best regards,V.
“Kill them all” has historical precedent for its effectiveness. Rome had no further trouble from Carthage after they took out Carthage entirelyThe early Israelites had no further trouble from the Canaanites comparable to what they endure from the modern Palestinians.The key word, is the last word of the phrase.
I had no idea how to approach this before-now I’m locked and loaded.
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
Hey Michael,If you were here, I’d give you a hug. So glad you are okay. Quite the harrowing tale. How does it feel to have reality reach up and wallop you right in the kisser? Yeow! Not so good. Here’s to a safe(r) holiday season for you and all your subscribers. Susan
That’s the thinking of a creative mind
Thanks for sharing. Your post is a useful contribution.
TE FELICITO, ME PARECE FABULOSA LA MANERA EN QUE ESTÃÂS CRIANDO A TU HIJO, que pena por las personas que te critican diciendo que estás acomplejado porque le hablas en ingles y muy pronto en francés, felicidades desde Panamá
I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.
That’s a creative answer to a difficult question
That’s way the bestest answer so far!
Steph, I live in Charlotte, prime NASCAR country. I would have been able to get a good bit for it just by listing on eBay as a pickup only item…Even if you don’t live in what is considered NASCAR territory, I still say sell it on eBay – PICKUP ONLY. I’m sure shipping would be a bear…There are plenty of Dale, Jr. fans wherever you are. Trust me.
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Yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby–nice work!
1. HRD staff had told us a few days ago before the courses began that if we’ll not attend the class, we must make a permission letter that approved by manager of division and submitted to HRD.2. The meeting was cancelled because of mr.x is being sick and we’ll announce about the meeting after he has recovered.
I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.
Shoot, who would have thought that it was that easy?
This article is brilliant. It has really made me think and that’s the kind of writing I enjoy reading the most. Thank you for this well written material and information.
This sort of inane blather is intended for one purpose only: to offend males and the people close to them. No sane person possibly could have written this tripe. I suggest that the writer be institutionalized in a partiarchal Taliban asylyum. The boys who go to school with the writer’s daughter need to be warned she is being raised by a nut, so beware.
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
Awesome you should think of something like that
Ha, als jij de trui kan uitkiezen dan koop ik er eentje. Ik heb er eigenlijk al een paar maar dat zijn allemaal *kriebel*truien*…..Graag een kapuchontrui met rits (zoals die jij aanhad), maatje S/M (je weet het wel), en mooie kleuren (blauwig/groenig/rood?). Veel plezier!
Gettingrational,Fair point but what is the scope of the problem?what is the detox period of an infant?what percentage / total # of babies is affected?The argument needs to put some objective measures around the issue raised taking it beyond the emotional level.
This does look promising. I’ll keep coming back for more.
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, I was thinking about getting it on my kindle but it’s nice to open a real book once in awhile. Loved Unmaking Hunter Kennedy, reminded me a the movie Can’t Buy Me Love.
Smart thinking – a clever way of looking at it.
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Usei esse produto há alguns anos.. adorava !!! Ele diminui o volume e alisa suavemente… principalmente no dia em que vc usa !!! Depois que vc lava ele ainda fica hidratado, mas volta a textura normal do cabelo, não é milagroso, mas é um salva-vidas para dias especiais !!!
I want to know how I become a sucker of men. Love cum and will suck to completion. Also verstatile so I can fuck them to get them off. Just need to know where to go to become one of your suckers.Thanks,Rich
This is crystal clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Also Jemaah Islamiiya have threatened NZ before, not due to anything in the middle Eas, but because of our assistance in enabling the independence of Indonesia…So don’t get too comfotable just yet, we are still the infidels…
Great pics! I enjoyed the last two as I remember the days of the late night / early morning feedings, although I am glad that we are past those times now.Derek’s last blog post..
I’m quite pleased with the information in this one. TY!
Albert Cohen parlait-il le ladino ? Ce n’est pas impossible et il n’est pas possible que le ladino soit encore parlé à Marseille. Cela dit, aujourd’hui, c’est sainte Martine, vierge et martyre, j’espère que quelqu’un a pensé à apporter des verres, je ne bois pas au goulot.
Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.
I was looking everywhere and this popped up like nothing!
Very interesting points you have observed , thankyou for putting up. “Lefty Wise guy dont carry wallets, they carry their money in a roll….beaner on the outs” by Donnie Brasco.
An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awesome!
You’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sharing.
I feel satisfied after reading that one.
Keep it coming, writers, this is good stuff.
Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.
Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!
, it did strike me very odd since I’m familiar with Sandy Hook, NJ (which is, literally, I sandy hook of land) that the inland school where this happened is called Sandy Hook. I think about it every time I see the name of the school. I wonder why it’s called that.
/ Eu mereço ganhar porque eu ADORO esse cd, FAZ TEMPO que eu participo das promoções e nunca levo nada, apesar de ser DÃFICIL dessa vez vai ser diferente, eu tive a REVELAÇÃO de que esse cd ja é meu, os vizinhos que me aguentem porque eu vou fazer muito o LÊ LÊ LÊ =)GD Star Ratingloading…
A million thanks for posting this information.
What would we do minus the magnificent ideas you reveal on this blog? Who has got the perseverance to deal with vital topics in the interest of common readers like me? My partner and i and my buddies are very delighted to have your web site among the ones we often visit. It is hoped you know how much we appreciate your working hard! Best wishes through us all.
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
Well, witches exist. Wizards deal more with ceremonial (high_) magick, as it’s called.Warlocks aren’t magick practicers, but actually considered to be oath breakers. I guess that was the name given to someone who posed as a witch to sell real witches out during the inquisition.I practice, you can email me with specifics, if you like.
Solidariedade com a Es.Col.Anecessária AGORA !!!Acabo de receber notificação que o despejo se iniciou… o pessoal que dá apoio foi notificado agora mas a esta hora muitos estão "presos" ao seu local de trabalho… A cobardia dos governantes e polÃcias sabe explorar os pontos fracosQuem puder denuncie, corra para lá, faça qualquer coisa em prol da continuidade do projeto
Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!
Ale ja wÅ‚aÅ›nie o tym napisaÅ‚em – rewolucja, każda rewolucja, to mistyfikacja. Ja też nie wiążę nadziei z marszem, a jeÅ›li jakieÅ› to takie, by rozpisano nowe wybory pod wpÅ‚ywem tego marszu, co jak wiesz na pewno siÄ™ nie speÅ‚ni, bo ludzie w demokracji nie majÄ… już wpÅ‚ywu na nic. Kryterium uliczne ważne byÅ‚o w komunizmie, a teraz to sobie je można…
Apparently this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.
Thanks for your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot.
White racist bigots patrolling our streets waiting like predators to gun down black men. I’m sick and tired of these motherfuckers covering up for a straight out murder. There was no need to kill this young man. No need at all.
Amexsucks, you work 9 to 9? You totally have no life. If you’re wife is really a smoking hot 10, you’d come to your senses and enjoy spending time with her.
Great article, thank you again for writing.
This insight’s just the way to kick life into this debate.
I’m already attractive, but I don’t care for the attention of a bunch of men I don’t know. If I looked like her, my life would probably be considerably more difficult, because people would pay more attention to what I look like than what I say or do.
Benvenuta piccola Mia!Anche io tra un mese darò alla luce il mio primo pulcino… sarà molto diverso rispetto alla tua esperienza. Il mio carattere un po' ansioso mi ha portato a scegliere un parto medicalizzato, ma spero che le emozioni e la magia siano le stesse.Un abbraccio immmenso a tutti e tre.
The cat makes the whole thing just perfect.+ it's a really neat idea, for example, I'm living abroad right now, going home for Christmas AND living on the 5th floor with no elevator so there's no way in hell I'd buy myself an actual Christmas tree, but I still love the lights… I might try something similar.- Sóleywww.wearepurple.blogspot.com
You already somewhat know about my thoughts on blogging from our Twitter conversation, but I wanted to say congratulations for doing something that will benefit and nurture you. In doing so, I’m sure your readers will be nurtured as well. After all, aren’t the best blogs the ones where you feel like you know the person just a little bit?
Companys, hem de compaginar la bona alimentació amb suar la cansalada. Com a mÃnim , 30 minuts de treball cardiovascular a 140 pulsacions durant tres cops per setmana i pfssssssssssssss a desinflar.se. Ho dic per experiència.
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Awesome!
Whoa, things just got a whole lot easier.
warmest congratulations on your splendid achievement. May you find joy in your accomplishment and strength from the knowledge that you have an infinite pool of inspiration to carry you through the next project.
I know there have been thieves of both political parties in New Jersey, but the Democrats have thievery raised to an art form. They steal or facilitate the theft, the legislators and governor wring their hands, and the impotent NJAG’s office does nothing but issue a weak statement saying “we’re looking into it”. New Jersey residents need to start abandoning ship. But they also need to acknowledge responsibility for the mess for electing these thieves and liars year after year.
I read your post and wished I was good enough to write it
Mr. Field, please update your Killadelphia meter. Today is Black Friday. Surely the count is over 300 in Philly? I used to live in Philly and I know black folks don't play when it comes to shopping at Wal Mart. BTW, what ever happened to Silo?
Allie is a wonderful woman and so much more to so many people. I will continue to pray for everyone as they go through this very difficult time and hope for a recovery soon!! God Bless!!
Your article perfectly shows what I needed to know, thanks!
James Pavone- liked both links on facebook-Shared on facebook page-jrp7807- followed all links on twitter and tweeted page, will keep tweeting-James- commented on the reviews aboveThanks for the contest, the cigars sound great!
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.
That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great posting!
Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.
Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.
Die Teelichter sind echt hübsch, nur ich hätte zu viel Ansgt, dass das Masking Tape anfängt zu brennen, das ist doch nur Papier und es steht doch so über dem Metallrand ab?
This insight’s just the way to kick life into this debate.
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There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.
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~1.8 million known animal species alone on this planet! Two of each species, seven of some, so we’re looking at more than 3.6 million individual animals supposedly saved on the ark. That’s a lot of food, water, transplanted natural habitats, climate controlled staterooms (can’t have those tropical critters shacking up with the polar bears), and poop! I’m with you, Ross, I just can’t suspend disbelief.
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наличие выхода по протоколу HART, благодаря чему датчик можно интегрировать в современные системы регулировки/управления техпроцессами;
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на корпусе находится внешняя кнопка, защищенная металлической пластиной установки «нуля»;
ПО предусматривает постоянную непрерывную самодиагностику прибора;
простота обслуживания и ввода в эксплуатацию;
ценовой диапазон, соответствующий бюджетному сегменту отечественных аналогов в отличие от более дорогих устройств иностранного исполнения.
Какие возможности доступны с преобразователем Метран-150:
конструкция модуля сенсора Coplanar обеспечивает гибкость при выборе варианта подсоединения датчика к процессу: или разные фланцевые исполнения, или сборка с вентильными блоками, или сборка с выносными разделительными мембранами;
исполнение М150 для температуры атмосферы до минус 55 гр. дает возможность использовать датчики без установки дополнительных обогревающих устройств;
исполнение с ЖК-индикатором и с локальным интерфейсом позволяет быстро сразу по месту установки датчика производить изменения настроек;
также существует специальное кислородное исполнение.
Управление и перепрограммирование настроек датчика имеет следующие особенности:
возможно на самом преобразователе М150 при помощи универсального HART-коммуникатора;
возможно удаленно при помощи ПО H-Master/Metran-150, HART-модема для преобразователя М150, персонального компьютера или находящихся на производстве средств программирования АСУТП;
возможно при помощи специального прибора, поставляемого на заказ, оснащенного ЖКИ с пленочной клавиатурой.
В каких средах может эксплуатироваться преобразователь Метран-150:
в жидких кислотных и щелочных;
в условиях сухого или влажного пара;
в продуктах нефтеперегонки;
в разнообразных газообразных, в газовых смесях и конденсатах.
Датчик может измерять давление тех сред, которые не вызывают коррозионные изменения материалов, с ними контактирующих. Специально очищенные преобразователи предназначены для измерения давления кислорода в газообразном состоянии и кислородосодержащих смесей (опция кислородного исполнения — UC).
Датчик давления функционирует в следующих диапазонах давления: min — 0-0,025кПа, max — 0-60МПа и в широком диапазоне температур среды от -40гр. до +80гр.
По току различаются следующие типы аналоговых выходных сигналов:
4-20мА с HART-протоколом;
В зависимости от модификации может быть следующее взрывозащищенное исполнение:
Exi — искробезопасная цепь;
Exd — взрывонепроницаемая оболочка.
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